De-Stress for Fibromyalgia

De-Stress for FibromyalgiaStress is not just hard on your mind but Studies show stress can be a threat to your health too!

In 2003, A study was published in the journal Neurology indicating that those most prone to distress were more than 2 times as likely to develop Alzheimer’s Disease as those not prone to stress. Also a study from Duke University found that heart patients could reduce their chances dramatically of further cardiac problems if they practiced stress reduction techniques on a regular basis.

I am not an expert or a Doctor but I have seen stress play a major role in Friends and family with Fibro. Stress seems to flare of anxiety, depression and even appears to boost other symptoms like pain. So what are you to do to lower your stress levels, and feel healthier?

Below are are some tried-and-true tips from real fibromyalgia patients and Physicians.


1. Kighton Says:

” Stress is usually caused by the body being overwhelmed. It activates the biological fight-or flight response which increases cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine in the body. When these hormone levels are constantly high due to overwhelming situations it can create the sensation of chronic stress and anxiety which will sap the body’s energy levels constantly.

Several things can be done to get rid of stress. It helps to get organized. Put your thoughts down and get everything you need to on a list so you aren’t constantly trying to remember what you need to get done or what you are worrying about. ”

2. 1sweed Says:

“Some of us try starting new hobbies like crochet or knitting, working jigsaw puzzles, taking slow nature walks, reading books, watching funny movies, helping elderly friends and neighbors, music, etc.. anything that takes your mind off stress, pain and loneliness for a few hours a day. ”

3. WebMd Says:

– Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
Keep a positive attitude; rather than defaulting to negatives.
– Manage your time. Give yourself time to get things done

4. Michelle Says:

Get a pet! Study after study has shown that animal interaction benefits people physiologically. When you are feeling stressed take a few minutes to relax with your pet.

5. A few Personal Tips: This is what helps me :)

– Listen to some soothing music, close my eyes and think relaxation. (Not always possible to find this place, but when you can try it)

– Not everyone can do this, but I find playing piano or guitar really relaxes me when I am bound of real tight. If you play an instrument, give it a shot when stress starts to kick in!

– I don’t mean to preach at anyone, and will not shove anything down your throat. However, for me the power of Prayer plays a big role in my life. If I take a few minutes to pray and meditate on God’s word it does help to relax my mind and body.


How about you, what helps you to reduce stress?

  1. 11 years ago