Fibromyalgia vs. Vegetarian & Raw Vegan Diets

Plant-based diets may be effective for the treatment of fibromyalgia, a painful condition suffered by millions. One thing all sufferers should consider is an aspartame-free trial period (see…).

Why do plant-based diets help with chronic pain conditions? There may be a number of reasons why vegetarians only have about half the odds of being on painkiller drugs (see…). Potentially inflammatory compounds in animal products include Neu5Gc (…), endotoxins (… ), and animal proteins (…).

On the other hand maybe the potassium in plant foods modulates adrenal function? See my video Potassium and Autoimmune Disease (…). If it is the Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants (…), then that could certainly help explain it. See Antioxidant Power of Plant Foods Versus Animal Foods (…).

Vegetarian and raw vegan diets appear effective, but what about just mostly vegetarian diets or mostly raw vegan diets? That’s the subject of my next video Fibromyalgia vs. Mostly Raw & Mostly Vegetarian Diets (…).