Fibromyalgia Diet Tips

Fibromyalgia Diet TipsDiet has be known to be a big contributing factor to how fibromyalgia effects the body. Inflammation is the root cause of multiple serious illnesses like heart disease and also many cancers. Inflammation damages the body and causes sickness.

Chronic inflammation can inflamed by from Stress, inadequate exercise, and exposure to toxins. However dietary choices play a big role in this issue as well. Educating yourself on how specific foods effect inflammation is essential for reducing and eliminating symptoms of Fibromyalgia.

Increasing the amount of alkaline foods you eat and decreasing the amount of acidic foods you eat will help to eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation in the body!

Everybody responds different to the foods they eat. Remember to listen to your own body!

I know some people that love raw almonds and cashews. They do not have a negative effect or increase pain levels for them, so they enjoy them on occasion.

It can be overwhelming at first. Some foods may be recommended on one list as healthy, and on another as highly acidic. Don’t make yourself crazy analyzing food lists. You’ll see patterns emerge and realize that some foods have many health benefits, while some foods just aren’t good for you…period! Just listen to your body. Try eliminating certain foods for a while and see how you feel.